(888) 464-7770 [email protected]
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Established in 1910, Siegel’s has over a century of experience in providing excellence in both products and service to our Corporate Customers. Common office supplies were the original promotional products. The ball point pen was purchased and used by virtually every business. “Can you put our company’s name on them?” A new way to advertise was born. Branding useful, commonly used, workplace and household items became a part of the corporate marketing. Successful marketing campaigns now all include promotional merchandise. Drink ware, branded apparel, signage, food gifts, awards, retail products, branded luggage & bags, computer accessories, mobile phone accessories, toys & games are just some of the categories that now support corporate marketing, human resources, sales departments and meetings.


Siegel’s was started by the Siegel family in 1910 as a Stationery and Gift store. The Duffy Family took ownership in the mid 70’s and focused additional resources on our Corporate clients. Siegel’s provided many of the New York area’s Fortune 500 Companies with Holiday and Executive Gifts as well as Premiums and Promotional Merchandise. Marketing departments, Human Resources, Sales Departments and Administration teams all came to rely on Siegel’s as a reliable partner. Annual Sales gatherings, Safety Programs, Product Launches, Charity events, Employee recognition, Holiday parties, Trades shows – all came to rely on Siege’s attentive and reliable service and quality products. Changing times brought new products. Technology now dominates the business world and our product offerings have kept pace. Our customers depend on us to introduce the latest, most innovative new promotional products.

In 2001 The IGC selected Siegel’s as it’s U.S. member. The IGC (est. 1956) was, and remains today, The World’s largest buyer and distributor of Promotional Merchandise and Corporate Apparel. Membership in the IGC enabled Siegel’s to use the IGC’s enormous buying power and global distribution capabilities for our customers. IGC incorporated in 2011 and Siegel’s is now an owner of IGC Promotions Inc.. Purchasing Departments recognize Siegel’s as a top provider of consistent quality and value. Reducing our clients cost while maintaining consistent high quality requires vigilance and resources. Our IGC global network is now physically present in over 50 countries. Our global members provide us with breaking trends, flexible production resources to adapt to changing economic circumstances, buying power, compliance and QC certifications and much more
There is no better resource in the world for Promotional Merchandise, Awards or Corporate Apparel than Siegel’s and The IGC!

Siegel’s Corporate Gifts is certified as a Women’s Business Enterprise (WBE) through the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), the nation’s largest third party certifier of businesses owned and operated by women in the US.


We recognize the commitment to supplier diversity that is embraced by corporations and government agencies today, and we can add diversity to your supply chain.

To send feedback, suggestions or to request username and password details for the ‘secure areas’ contact:


Siegel’s Corporate Gifts and Promotions
100 Readington Rd, Branchburg, NJ 08876
Lebanon, NJ 08833 | T: (908) 757-7160
[email protected]

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